NOWE Wydanie
Druga część słownika japońskiej gramatyki
Słownik Japońskiej Gramatyki jest wspaniałą pomocą na wszystkich poziomach nauki. Wystarczy, że otworzysz słownik na interesującym Cię zagadnieniu a będziesz miał podane tłumaczenie i wiele przykładów użycia danego zagadnienia w kontekście.
Topic for Intermediate Japanese
This section explains aspects of grammar which are necessary and useful for intermediate-level studies, includin:
inter-sentential reference,
tense and formality switching,
strategies for conversation,
and tips on how to properly interpret complex sentences.
Main Entries
Drawing from intermediate-level textbooks and other teaching materials, the authors have identified 200 grammatical items to be included here. Each entry contains a detailed, easy-to-understand explanation which provides not only the basic information on that entry, but also the subtle difference between similar expressions, in other words, information that regular textbooks do not provide.
This section contains additional invaluable information, such as lists of expressions arranged according to function; rules for deciphering katakana loan words, and charts of compound verbs, compound particles, conjunctions, and affixes.
A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
Seiichi Makino
Stron: 758
ISBN: 4-7890-0775-8